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Hi, my name is Gugu. You may not know me today... but you WILL one day!


Growing up in a home where God was hardly ever spoken about, I never saw any relevance in who or what he was about because we had it good, living posh with no stress. So why would i ever need someone I had never seen before?


and then , that same God, taught me a lesson. A lesson that I have carried with me for the past 7 years...


Life, is not yours... it is God's !!!


I found myself seeking God and connecting with him in ways I never thought were possible, however, the minute I gave my whole life to my creator, that whole process proved to be the most horrific roller coaster ride ever! I was becoming immune to pain. Expecting something bad to happen every single month was just a part of my life because things were falling apart in every way you can imagine. Until I woke up one day and rid myself of all the baggage, all the hurt and all the anxiety.


Pleasing the devil, was what I had been doing all these years and I never realised!


I had doubts, I cried myself to sleep everynight and experienced a life changing moment, where I felt God in my life for the first time ever. That moment, was when I saw my life flash right infront of my eyes as I flew out of a speeding car while it was spinning in the air... landing head first on a concrete wet floor, which left me unconscious, in a hospital bed for weeks and left with the question yet again ... "why me". not realising that God saved my life. He gave me a second chance to live. He believed in me. He loved me.


Life did not get any easier, as I saw myself losing loved ones , living with unemployed parents , missing out on school and witnessing my family fall apart. My heart was broken into ten million pieces and I often asked myself 'why me' all.the.time. 


And then I discovered a man called Joel Osteen ... this man, has changed my life in more ways than one and he doesn't even know my name. He taught me how to PRAY, he taught me never to give up and he taught me how to give thanks for the unseen ... *Faith.


I look at my situation today and all I want to do, is to just give my family the life they deserve. I can, I will and I can not wait for us to receive all our blessings and I make it my responsibility to work hard for my siblings to never ever miss out on opportunities due to financial issues or the world's devilish ways. I'm here, I'm grinding and I WILL MAKE IT!!! for them!!!


My 13 scars tell a story. A story that no one else can own... because this is MY story and it makes me who I am!


I'm a grown woman, I now know that all those years of heartache, were God's way of teaching me how to be the woman I am today. A gracious, ambitious, strong, woman of GOD.


Finding Jesus, has been the best part of my life!


Today, I need you to know that God already put the right connections and people in your path. Realise that you don’t even have to fight for your dream to come true, you don't have to fight for what's yours. If it’s meant for you, it’ll come to you. The key: Trust in God's time, smile, and enjoy the process while you grind.


What's meant for you, will NEVER pass you by!


This... is my story.

I look forward to changing my continent one day, and then the world.


Welcome to MY world!


- Ndabezitha



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